International Maritime Rescue Federation
The members of the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) work together to reduce the loss of life at sea. The membership includes Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres, Coast Guards and Volunteer response organisations.
Common goals and platform is to collect as many countries’ maritime search and rescue services as possible under one umbrella, sharing information and experience between members.
During the World Congress in Bremerhaven in 2015, secretary general Rikke Lind in Redningsselskapet was elected to the board in IMRF.
IMRF also work closely with the International Maritime Organization (IMO). IMO is the UN body for regulation of international shipping. The organization’s purpose is to improve cooperation between member states’ maritime authorities. Particularly emphasized the pursuit of safety at sea and pollution. IMO is headquartered in London and has 170 member countries. Norway has been a member since 1958.